Monday, December 28, 2009

75th post party evaluation

The princess deliberated holding her 75th post party evaluation. Afterall, the prior post-party evaluation was met with cries of protests and created much speculation on the identity of Mr A,B and Mdm C.

Without Queen of New York as guest judge and the now "non-committal" Lady "V" as part of the evaluation committee, things were indeed getting alittle tougher.

Mr No.1

Plastic Princess: " How's he, Lady v? "
Lady "V" : "I have no comments"

The evaluation ended at Mr No. 1.

For some strange bewildering reasons, Lady "V" and Princess P had come to the consensus that perhaps women of royality are supposed to shut their trap as tight as their ass in public events (as like those XXX at the party, Lady "V" commented...... just trying to be)

Perhaps, the most valuable lesson learnt this festive season, as Lady "V" and Plastic P finds out, is that, sometimes, somethings are better left unsaid.

And, in true Lady "V" style: "Silence is truly Golden until your hole has been broken...."

With that, the princess P and lady "V" looks forward to the new year..

New Faces, New Places. FOr the dumbfounded women of royality.

Plastic P

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