Thursday, January 21, 2010

Through the Rain

In life, you really need to experience the bad before you are appreciative of what you have been blessed with all along. A timely reminder of the things that we take so granted for.

And sometimes, a little crisis in your life, makes you stronger, wiser and, more importantly, aware of the people who truly cares for you and loves you so much (that you were never aware of).

If alittle something bad is required for the princess to see the real beauty of life, i guess, it is worth it for a little something bad to happen once in a while in my life.

Risking being accused (once again) of being a Diva, the princess sings her favourite Mariah Carey's song...... "Through the rain"

And yes, the princess will always make it through the rain with everyone surrounding me and my little pink umbrella - just like Mariah

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