Definitely, maybe.

Sometimes, it is so difficult to fall in love ...... Not to even mention, falling in love with the right person... It almost seemed impossible....
I have often wondered, once a time ago, why people can be so jaded and bitter when it comes to love and relationship?
Doesnt anyone believe in that anymore??
But then again, can i really blame these people?

Ironically, love, only came to him, over a divorce.... after much heart breaks and so much missed opportunities....
It is no wonder people can get so jaded with love....
But again, who knows, the right one could just be standing in front of you.... after many bruises and battle scars..... just before you want to throw it all over and say that love does not matter to you anymore....
I was glad i made it to the show..... It had filled my heart with hope ... once again.... after so much fruitless attempts at romance had left me almost as jaded as the people i had felt sad for....
I truly believe Love will eventually come..... if not today, tomorrow or the day after......
Meanwhile, the princess truly hope that Sex & the City; Movie will be as inspirational and moving as Definitely, Maybe.....