Yes, the princess has been loveless for the past 3 years since the break up with the prince of sunset drive...
And she wonders why? especially, everytime she bumps into the prince with some "ugly" commoner in his arms......
No hard feelings though... But the princess cant help but ask:" What is wrong with me?"
"Looking for love at all the wrong places???"
"Setting the targets too high?"
"Not looking hard enough???"
Last week, the princess, in a moment of desperation, decided to lower all expectations, sucumbing to conventional wisdom.......
"Maybe i am just not good enough for the guys that i am looking for.... Why would these rich, good looking, faithful and caring guys go for me..... U are just in your own fantasy..... And there are many young cuter competitions around...."
Well, the observation has a percentile of being 99.9% true as the princess observes the hunting grounds and the packs of brazen sluts around.....
This Week, the princess says fuck it.....
Love is not about statistics and probability!!! Love is not about falling into that 99.9% percentile!!! Love is about daring to dream big, love big and live big....... Love is a miracle waiting to happen!!
And the princess is willing to take this chance to wait for the miracle of her lifetime......
So this weekend, the princess and her close knitted sistas, shall head down to "HAVE FUN", waiting with anticipation.... for BIG LOVE, BIG DREAMS AND BIG LIFE!