And the similarity? Here goes:
1) Setting deadline for love (Checked)
2) Sussing out for potential boyfriends from past and future 24/7 (Been there)
3) Fortune telling in search for love (Done that)
4) Take any hint of love as a sign from powers above (Who else can single gal trust these days?)

Worse still... there are more:
5) Going out with Gorgeous hunks only to realise that sometimes even the best packages are flawed within.
6) Friends who thinks that you are 1) Bimbotic 2) Delusional &/or 3) Sad when you tell them your grand scheme of getting attached by the end of the year.
Sad as it may sound, but the princess, is as sure as the sun will rise, that my life, in alignment with the land of TV sitcoms, despite the numerous twists and turns, will eventually have a happy ending at the end of the day.