Monday, October 13, 2008

India, the new New York???

The princess was sipping her coffee with Lady 'V' one day..... at the upper east side of town...... pretending we are Blair and Queen Bee from Gossip Girl.

But, of course, having conversations of the 30somethings.... Like SJP and Samantha Jones.......

"These days, it seems, Indians are everywhere.... Gorgeous and hunky...." The princess said as she observed the number of Indian men that day.... and the fact that alot of them are in some of the most established financial institutions in our City....

The princess had overheard one female banker said just the other day... "The Indians are ruling the world...!"

"Of course, India.... is the new New York!!" Lady V offered her words of wisdom....

The princess laughed heartily..... as if she had been told another sex joke by Lady 'V'.... (Indian men are of course sexy too, in one way or the other...)

So India, not quite New York yet..... and Not yet taking over the world..... its men, however, has managed to pique the interests in the hearts of 2 very eligible royalties here.....

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Really? I have a lot in the place that i stay. In the most secluded and serene town in the west. They are everywhere. You should come here more often to feel like a 'New Yorker'. Perhaps you could hook up a 'New Yorker' and become one too and have endless supply of curry. Haha. Btw, they are definitely hunky and lean from the hard labour they do.

Indian Princess