These days, when it comes to being hip and cool, (as the princess learns from Nicole, Miss Cradle Snatcher) you need to use alot of acronyms such as BFF and Peeps etc etc... and of course, catchphrase like : "thats hot!" and "Totally"
One hot sunny afternoon on the beach, the princess finally found her brilliant term: BVB AKA Beach Volley Boys.
Inspired by the thousands of gorgeous young boys; Half naked, showing off their hours of hard work in the gym. Sweat glistening down their bod and sunglasses perched firmly on the top of their heads.
It should be a sexsational moment for the princess but somehow in the eyes of the experienced princess, it was a turn-off. The boys were simply too conscious about their coolness to enjoy the moment.
So came the term: BVB
BVBs represents boys who are cool and hot, knows that they are cool and hot, behaves as so, and cares too much about it and , sadly as a result, loses that cool factor.
It is almost ironic. and almost like Madonna trying too hard.
So the plastic princess, ever so fashionable and hip, will start using this term whenever possible.
At the private launch of the new club.
Plastic: "Hey, babe, dun bother to come here... the crowd is so BVB! (i.e. posey, superficially hip)
After watching a movie so critically acclaimed by a female film critic who only rates art films positively and gives popular mainstream film low rating.
Plastic: "The bitch is such a BVB.... the film sucks. She only gave it a 5 star because its indie!"
So now all, go on and use it... release the inner bitch in u.