Fast on the verge of celebrating her sweet sixteen birthday (still without a man), the princess finds herself surrounded by her good old bffs.....
Tubes of best selling anti-aging creams, bottles of anti-oxidants, vitamins and miracle pills.... The princess feels like a drug addict already.
These days, just keeping up with your physical appearance, seemed to be such an uphill task.... leaving little room for inner beauty and spiritual growth.... (not that these are very attractive must-haves in today's world, the princess learns)
The princess cant help but to turn and ask the world's original supermodel, Janice Nicola Dickinson, "What is the price of beauty? and more importantly can beauty buy you love?"
Afterall, Ms Janice N Dickinson, is famed for a strict monstrous workout regime, earning her the title of "the Body only" and a man of her dreams.
Wise old Janice N replied as a matter of fact: "To some, beauty is a physical thing, To others, beauty is just a game of power, lust and fame.
The wise original supermodel continues "Beauty, my dear princess, has no intrinsic price. Its worth is how much people give to it"
The princess didnt know Janice N is a new age guru as well....
"Is that why acceptance is such an important notion and maybe used as a powerful weapon in the modern day social context like ours? and that Love and Relationships are subjected to the same unhealthy notions as well" the princess cant help but wonder.
Perhaps, at this sweet sixteen coming of age, the princess hopes for a man who will not only support my ridiculous and superficial effort and quest for the perfect body, beautiful face and kind hearted soul; but also accept the fact (with great pressure of course) that the princess could never ever be one of those "beautiful ladies" who can conform to the great pressures of beauty that the world has meted upon us.
And if such a man doesnt come in time, the princess knows she can always depend on the world's original supermodel, Janice Nicola Dickinson, to whip me into shape and into the arms of a hunky man.