In the search for love, we should always ask ourselves "What can you lose?"
A lesson that Lady "V"'s new found-cute-love reminded the princess days ago.
He said: "Go on, talk to him first, afterall, what can you lose?"
Well, it is true. There shouldnt be any reasons holding me back from saying "hi, nice game of tennis" to the very cute tennis player at centre court as he passed me by.
Afterall, he had seen me watching his game of tennis with the upmost admiration on my part and reciprocated back with a friendly smile of his.
For whatever reasons, the princess did not make a move. And before long, he was gone.
I didnt think much of it until this weird dream i had the night after. I dreamt that the princess was holding hands with the tennis player, watching movies, having a romantic night out.
After i woke up, i begin to realise what had i potentially lost by not taking action at the point in time.
If i had taken action, at least, i would have an addtional tennis friend.
At worst, it would be just a 5 minutes friendly rejection.
Fear, keeps us from our potential. Worse still, irrational (over-amplified) fears built up subconciously in us, prevent us from doing what we always wanted to do.
What could be the worst thing that can possibly happen to us?
Everything thing that can happen to us, will be gone in a span of a hundred years or so.... Really a flash in the entirety of time.
So, the princess is determined to set my perspective right. And not let an opportunity slipped by because of unfounded fear.
Afterall, the cute english man wouldnt have met the perfect Lady "V" if he was afraid and stunned by her beauty.
ANd he wouldnt have got to know the even more beautiful and wise friend of Lady "V" -The Plastic Princess.