Immediately, the princess got hold of a mirror and start looking at her soulless eyes that had been drained of all its enthusiasm and smiles. The princess’s eyes were a sad reflection of their past glories.
In her heyday, the princess also had her signature eye. I call them the “Bambi Doe-Eye”.

This is a very very difficult expression to master. Inherently, you need a pair of pearly round eyes. If not, you are out!!
And it cannot be 2- dimensional, it has to be textured, something mysterious in the form of innocent eyes.
Over the years, the princess perfected the art of seduction through her innocence doe-eyes, proving to all that innocence can be sensual too.
And my killer move? The interview doe-eyed look which always gets me the job!
This is a slight variation of the seduction doe-eye look; just a subtle smile in the eyes and less of a slut.
But I guess, to the untrained eyes, the princess would just be like Zoolander doing his different poses.
No matter, the only celebrity that perhaps could challenge the princess would have to be Britney Spears.
And if Britney is making her comeback after a disastrous marriage, so can the princess & her eyes.
Move Over, Ms Tyra! Make space for the Princess!