Tiny perspirations of sweat beaded his forehead.... The only blemishes to his boyish tanned look....
The princess was third in the queue of a locally acclaimed Nasi Lemak Franchise in town. (Once in the while, the princess also needs to have such local delights meant for the ... hmmmm..... simple folks)...

Pictures not drawn to scale and not in reality. sadly
My stomach was hungry yet my hormones were raging at the speed of light (courtesy of lyrics from Christina's Genie in a Bottle)..
DO you think LUST increases our metabolism rate? the princess asked Nicole just right behind her.... The princess desperately hopes the increase in heartbeat would be enough to offset the calories gained from this sinful meal....
My turn.
"One set C please" THe princess said in her most demure voice.
Our eyes met. For that second. Such gorgeous smile on him.... and i also noticed the muscular chest.....
"Maybe he part-time in the dragon boat team also" Nicole whispered.
Apparently, he caught the eyes of our resident mother nature too....
"NIcole, i think he is already 22 and so is too old for you" The princess calmly tells Nicole to keep her motherly hands off.
The Nasi Lemak meal was so delicious & soft and chicken wings cut by a hunk was crispy and mouth watering (i must do some food critic too since it is the "in" thing for blog nowadays!!)...Sadly, the good times last as fast as they come and the Princess & Nicole had to leave... But I was so glad i came....
The princess never knew that a simple meal can bring so much joy into her life... I must do this more......