Saturday, December 19, 2009

Phoenix from the ash

Life, it seems, has its unique way of telling you certain things...

First, it whispers in ur ear..... Then, at the weirdest of time, it just shouts out right at you. So loud that you just cant ignore it anymore.

And there and then, when it does (regardless where and what state of being you are), it all becomes clear what you need to do.

In an instance, you relent your wilful ways and surrender yourself to life.

Almost like a scene in any classic demonic movie (i.e. OMEN)......

Initially, you struggle and resist the demon within you, creating a tidal wave of chaos outside the world ... then you make peace with yourself and the world.

After everything is said and done, a certain sense of serenity overcomes you as you fall into a long deep silent abyss.

Only to re-appear again, like Phoenix rising from the ash........ this time..... only stronger, wiser and controlled...

You, and life, as one.

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