Sunday, June 18, 2006


So I finally went ahead and bought my biggest purchase of lottery tickets ever on an early Saturday morning - against all advice from my friendly fortune teller that I do not have the windfall luck.

I am a gal who has to work hard for her money, she told me.

My whole life crumbled right before my eyes and I wasn’t gonna stand helplessly doing nothing.

Immediately, I ask: “Can a husband help then?”

She smiled and said ……… “Maybe, you can help him”

Well, she should tell that to my future husband instead (whomever, wherever). Clearly, she is not listening to her client’s needs.

I politely ask again: “So my husband wont be rich or make me rich?”

“It depends” said the wise one conveniently

Since we learned in schools that life has so many dependent variables, I decided that the only independent variable I should invest in is pure luck.

And, who knows, if I strike, maybe I truly can be of help to my future husband.

Now, i can only pray!

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