Monday, January 29, 2007

Why every gal thinks she is Carrie Bradshaw?

It is amazing that every gal whom seemed to be suffering from a bout of love trouble inevitably thinks she is in a ‘Carrie Bradshaw’ situation.

“I can so relate to her”

“Me and my bf are so like Carrie and Mr Big…”

“Remember the episode on…., that was me!”

I guess when you are feeling low & down, the best thing that you can do is to romanticising your problems, make yourself the leading actress of your world.

And if that takes a little pain off your shoulders and gives you a little hope at the end of the day, why not?

After all, Carrie Bradshaw did finally snag her Mr Big after six seasons of on-off-on-off relationships.

But the funny thing is, no one wants to be Miranda...and I wonder why.

She has a good career, a good family and a good husband. Isn’t this what every woman wants? Maybe it is because of her lack of dress sense, the lack of designer shoes or the serious lack of a bunch of romantically failed relationships with hot hunky men.

And so my nagging suspicion is that, like Carrie Bradshaw, when it comes to failed relationships and personal dramas, sometimes we are subconsciously just asking for it…..

Princess Carrie Bradshaw

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