Sunday, July 27, 2008

Bigger than big

In life, it seems, we all have been sold by the idea that everything needs to be bigger than big...

The world tallest skyscraper, the most exotic getaway, and the most romantic love affair.....

So often, we hear ourselves desiring that bigger house, bigger pay package that comes with a bigger view and lotsa lotsa big big parties...

It seemed that the only way to that sweet perfect life is being bigger than big....

Like Lady "V" commented, "They are so successful, these friends of ours, going to exclusive functions, knowing who's who in the industry & leading a jet-setting lifestyle.... Greece one day... Paris the next... "

People living on the very edge of the earth it seems... so happening...

Like the princess, sometimes, we all can get swept away by these meaningless comparisons....

And we so often forget that, ironically, the only thing bigger than big in life, are the small things.......

And as the princess discover one evening, after sessions and sessions of big party groups with glamourous people, that even in the smallest group of company, the non-extravagant location & the simplest of dishes;

You can always hear the most heart-felt conversation, have the most delicious dinner, and share that sincere, wholesome laugh, all without the pretence that your day was bigger than big.....

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