Tuesday, July 01, 2008

The flower blooms in June

The flowers are blooming nicely this summer, which is a surprise. Last year, they were a total mess. Not this year. They are very nice this year.

And against the window pane, as the sun shine through, with the light reflected on the translucent petals of the flowers, it is a picture perfect moment.

I sat on my couch motionless with a cup of hot tea in my hand. The mind was not anywhere but here in this moment. I was literally watching the flowers and feeling the warmth of the cup against my two petite palms.

"Such a lovely day" i said to myself. In fact, i had never enjoyed such a day for a long long while.

I walked across the room and picked up a book on the shelf and begin to read again. The book must have been left on the shelf forever, covered with dust. Apparently, it had never been read before.

"The flower blooms in June by Enite Dorothy" i read as i wiped away the dust from the cover.

"What an appropriate title" i thought to myself with a smile on my face.

"A woman in her late thirties re-discovering the joy in simple things in life. As she started the hobby of gardening, she saw her love blossoming as well - a new neighbour whom had just moved in from the city...." goes the sypnosis.

"When and why on earth did i buy the book for?" I asked myself, almost ashamed of myself for purchasing a book that is so blatantly made for the love-deprived, desperate middle age woman who craves for that glimmer of hope.

"I do not need this now" i thought to myself as i put the book right back to where it deserved to belong.

Up there, on the shelf, unwanted and totally not needed.

Well, now the tea gone cold & the flowers doesnt really seemed as picture perfect anymore.


Yes, the flowers had bloomed in June this year but is love really on the way?

The princess waits forlornly.

1 comment:

MOMAXX said...

Love is in the air honey!