Thursday, March 30, 2006
A Torrid Affair
And to think that it actually happened to one of my dear dear friend. And no, it is not Lady “V”.
I shall not name names but she is also widely known as the Frumpy Housewife to many in the “circuit”. Lets call her…. Mdm “F”.
(Also, I intend to skip the KamaSutra portion of this steamy tale)
So here goes……
Happily attached for a couple of years now to the most humble, down-to-earth , nicest guy that I’ve ever known, Mdm “F” had always been gushing about her perfect love relationship all this while.
In fact, she is really one of the last that I would ever thought could cheat on someone. She was an angel in disguise!
But then again, it isnt just anyone! It is a certain someone in the fashion/arts scene whom had had appearances on national TV before! Someone that Lady "V" had been eyeing on all this while.
Sourgraped Lady "V" commented snidely: "This is really a case of the Low Class attracting the Low Class!"
High class or low class, this torrid affair had gone undetected right under my royal nose for months now. It is definitely yet another blow to my almost non-existent love life so far.
According to first-hand account, it started out as pure sexual lust, grew into mild love and upgraded into a 0.4 carat diamond ring from T & Co on the hands of frumpy Mdm "F".
In this crazy turn of event, it simply makes one wonder: How does one measure the worth of faithfulness?
And as Lady "V" would agree, confirms that beauty is indeed subjective and love is truly blind!
Sex, Lies and Diamond Rings....... Some girls just seem to be able to eat the cake and sample their tarts all at one go......
At least, for now it seems.
Monday, March 27, 2006
Pan-Asian Beauty
For those who do not know me, let me introduce myself:
I am a pan-Asian beauty..... Half of my parentage is Chinese, the other half almost British and the rest is a touch of Korean. And that's what makes me beautiful and unique, according to the general consensus I observed so far.
However, I notice recently that there appears to be imposters amongst us.... It seems that, increasingly, a certain group of people had gone around pronouncing the mixed parentage in them when i cant tell the difference in them.
In fact, most of these people looked totally like they are 100% of a certain race that it almost seemed that they are ashamed of their race (or main race). Ridiculous.
More ridiculously are the ones who truly take pride in the fact that they cant speak their own language. I mean, where is truly the pride in this? Is English such a superior language worth sacrificing your mother tongue over it? Does it bring you closer to being a pure non-Asian or makes you a pan-Asian? Or makes you more superior than your own race?
Or does it just show that you are indeed too challenged to be an efficient bilingual?
Well, whomever we are, I do hope that we are proud of who we are and not seek to pretend to be someone else.
So to set the record straight, I am not of mixed parentage. I am a true blue princess of a single race whom embraces all races and religions as long as you are cute....
Sunday, March 26, 2006
Transamerica Cutie

Well, amongst many weird ideas, the son fell in love with the transexual father.... A son whose ambition is to be a gay porn actor..... And a weird loving, connecting chemistry between the father and the son...
But one good thing about the show is that everything is forgiven with an actor so cute!!! Haa haaa
Kevin Zegers, in TransAmerica, is such a hottie that even a princess cannot resist dedicating an article just for him.
Well, just his pics for our viewing pleasures anyway....
Still cant get over the fact that he has to be a gay porn actor at the end of the show...
Poor Guy!! He should have a happy ending or something...
Like married to a princess!!

Oh Gosh, look at me, I sound like a sixteen year old once again....
But well, I must say, TransAmerica is truly one of the kind of show...
that makes you feel Teeny-Boppy again,
questions your conventional views of love and goals
And makes you smile at the end of it all with a strange fuzzy warm feeling in your heart that you just cant explain......
Wednesday, March 22, 2006
Spoilt For Choice

So there we were, the beautiful lady "V" and me, having our dinner with a good male friend of ours, enjoying the carefree bitching that always seemed to follow when work ends. It is always nice to bitch in front of a guy whom you do not have any romantic interest in. So free and unpretentiously ourselves.....
But not for long......
A group of surprise guest stars of 5 began strolling in, towards our dinner table. Apparently, friends of our male friend, whom happened to be around the area.
So one by one, introductions began and Lady "V" and I was busy ticking our checklists....
Contestant No. 1: Doctor (Tick), Gd-Look (Tick), humorous (Tick), Single (Tick, Tick, Tick!!!).... Followed by Contestant No. 2, 3, 4 & 5.
Every single one of them seemed to have pass the very "strict" and "stringent" criteria set by our very own discipline mistress, Lady "V".
Before we knew it, we were like two geishas putting up our top-notched performances for our patrons. So much for being free and unpretentiously ourselves.
On second thoughts, Lady "V" was actually pretty much herself that night as with every other nights....

While Lady "V" and I didnt bear to accidentally vote anyone of these hunks off the very first round; We, later realized that, by not voting, we, in actual fact, had unwittedly voted ourselves out of the game instead.
So I guess, in a time where everything happens in a blink of an eye, the slowest and undecided contestant often get ousted off the Island of Love.....
Monday, March 20, 2006
Love In The Financial District

Whatever the case, love in the financial district have somewhat become an urban legend of our times.
Which is sad, considering most part of our lives and days are spent in the working environment.
And even sadder, considering most of these cute single guys do really need some tender loving care in the midst of their highly stressed job routine (which I can only presumed).
Why are we forced to seek love from the internet, clubs and restaurants after work, when we should be having no problem finding the right one standing right there in front of our working doorstep?

So let us begin from every single streets of the financial district, lifts of every office building, all the popular lunch places and even the pantries at our place...... Leaving no tables and chairs unturned.
Sooner or later, I know we will find love right there.
Saturday, March 18, 2006
Beyond Fear – ‘V’ for Vendetta

A movie, which in my opinion, is one of the year’s most powerful & impacting shows so far, scoring high on entertainment value as well.
After the show, I was left to ponder, whether like Evey (Natalie Portman’s character in the show) that i am also able to live beyond my fears and transcends into living for an idea.
While man dies and can be forgotten, the ideas they represent last forever, passing on from a person to the next, one century to another. (The really good ideas of course and not some crap)

But I believe that we are more than the sum of our parts and not just mere physical shell. If we believe strong enough in our ideas, they will become us and we become indestructible and eternal as a result.
So many of us have dreams and goals buried deep within us that would most probably stay there until the day we die. And why?
The fear of consequences or ridicule?
The lack of true burning desire? or
A realistic measure of self-worth?

So there, to all my darling friends, do not let anything hold u back from your dreams. You go, Girl!! Guy!! errr...... Whatever..
From this moment, I am gonna start living my own idea. I am gonna be a rich bitch who never gives a damn....
And I am gonna achieve that slowly but surely.
Trust me as you trust your ideas.
Thursday, March 16, 2006
Martina Hingis Rocks Big Time!!!!

Things were looking up for her when she beat Maria Sharapova at the semi-finals in Tokyo not so long ago but lost at the finals.
And at the on-going Pacific Life Open, happening now, she created an upset victory over Lindsay Davenport (quite a shocker) and will face Sharapova once again in the semis. I hope she will win Maria Sharapova (again) in this semi-finals and go on to win the title... Her first since her comeback!!!
We can only wait with anticipation, the return of this really talented, inspiring tennis superstar!!

So much has been said about her style, her grace and her skills since her return that i need not say more.
More about her at the Pacific Life Open.
Welcome back, Princess of the WTA, thats what fans call her. We miss you so much.
Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Princess Cosmopolitan

What becomes of friendship and love when they are constantly under threat in this new century where overseas mobility appears to be the norm?
Just a few years back, all of my friends were very localized..... And now, some have flown to New York (a very drama but glamorous gd friend of mine, last heard to have under gone a sex change operation and happily married in NY, which is by the way, the most bizarre rumor I've heard so far), Australia, Hong Kong, China and whatever.....
Of course, I do make new friends from the likes of Taiwan, Indonesia and States too, whom are so often flying in and out, in and out......
But wherever the location..... The dynamics of the relationships are never the same ..... The fact is, physically, they cant be around you when you need them the most....... Sharing your tears of joy, hugging you in your moment of fear and even chiding you for the silliest bimbotic thoughts right at your face.....
And what about love? I had always felt apprehensive about long-distance relationship or relationship with another nationality.
But I guess I do need to re-evaluate my stand now, considering how many of the people I've met recently are locals. Or that maybe the princess is just no longer getting any younger and so cannot afford to choose... :)
Whatever the reasons....... I believe there is always a glimmer of hope in this new development.... I am truly happy for friends who had fulfilled their overseas dreams and greatly appreciate having new friends from all across the world showing me the vastness of human kindness and care.
And of course, I AM MOST excited about all the different variety of hunks the world has to offer to me :)
But whatever the changes, we should always cherish and make good of what is thrown at our face.... .... Like a true-blue princess, I will never forget my beautiful friends out there somewhere (with or without a change in sex).
And right here at home, i will do my duty to be the most beautiful princess ambassador that people around the world will ever know.....
World Peace to all.....
Monday, March 13, 2006
Model Model

The perks of a model are always something to desire about. It doesn't matter if people think you are an airhead or something. The fact is, in this shallow world that we are living in, looking good means everything. I should know. I mean, even in a corporate world, when all talents fail, a model can always assume an honorary role for the company. Of course, if he is a looker and has the talents, he is the CEO incumbent.
Sometimes, you really cant help but to hate these models.
It wasn't until recently when a (male) model came my way and made me realised what joyful and sweet people models really are and why models deserved the perks showered upon them.
This guy is a real sweetie. Why?
1)He is such an eye-candy. but of course.
2)He is so unassuming of his looks.
3)He has the insecurities and doubts like any other average man on the streets.
4)He does have a sense of humor that translates into a meaningful and wonderful conversation.

Lastly and most importantly, even when all his talents fail, he will always be capable of acting as a window of opportunities to those hard-to-get-in pubs, free drinks and an honorary role to glamorize the entire group.
With models like him, who wants to be the average man on the streets... ...
But then again, on the flip side of the modeling scene, we have those minor-celebrity wannabes who think they are models.
Just because they paid some modeling agency to do up their portfolio and went for some auditions, or won some teenage/school/low-class "modeling" award once upon a time do not qualify them as models. And they are the ones who behave like diva supermodels,giving the real ones a bad name.
Such irony!
So to all model-wannabes, please be kind and not tarnish the image of a REAL model.
Lotsa Luv,
The real princess

Sunday, March 12, 2006
Free Upgrades???
Is the notion of constantly upgrading and improving ourselves an inherent behavior in all of us? I have always thought of it as a global propaganda to get us hooked to the idea of constant progress that we all lose track of the important things in life.
Bigger rocks, Better cars, Larger apartments had always been the main reason why I worked and worked so hard. It wasn't until one day that I realized how deeply addicted to this misguided notion I am.
And it all began with my pet fish, Princess Baby Blue, otherwise known as P.Babe.....
P.Babe was first bought just a few months ago upon the instruction of a highly sought-after Feng Shui master.
(Well, that wasn't exactly the instruction given)
Actually, I was advised to keep water plants for luck-improvement reasons due to a recent spate of bad luck . (And yes, even princess gets down and lost at times.)
It started off as plants in a glass vase. And then, I thought if I am keeping water plants, I may as well start an aquarium. So P Babe became part of the family. Soon after, the plant doesn't seem to be good enough for my fish. SO bigger newer plants replaced the older ones. But bigger plant cramped the glass vase. So a BIGGER vase was bought to accommodate the plants.
Within months, I had moved on to an extra fish, a bigger plant and a brand-new vase.
Same goes with life in general. We are never satisfied.
But sometimes, it's worth every effort, just like my luck that keeps improving with every upgrade. Likewise, our life should also improve with every progress made too.
But will there come a point in time where i will finally realise that enough Is enough?
And that even though there will always be a better man, the current one (that is, when i find my perfect prince) is good enough for me and the rest of my life.
I definitely hope so.....
Wednesday, March 08, 2006
Geisha Invasion

Ever since the release of 'Memoirs of A Geisha', whenever i looked at any women on the streets, i can easily identify them to be either a Hatsumomo, Mameha, Pumpkin or Sayuri.......
Err.... Even guys can be classified into these categories for that matter - sometimes.
The different types of gals:
Hatsumomo - The psychotic & emotional Bitch
Mameha - Bitch who act high class
Pumpkin - Low class Bitch who tries too hard after a bitter experience
Sayuri - Selfish Bitch who acts innocent and virgin
What bonds them together?:
1) All looking for their Dana to come their way...
2) Most cannot qualify for rice-cakes ceremony......
3) Few would be able to take the sacrifice that comes with being a true geisha.
Now, everyone can play this game called "spot which geisha he/she is" when u are bored.... :)
Try it! Its fun......
A Piece Of Good Advice - Sex Really Sells
Imagine a room full of people, all defensive and ever ready to pounce on you at any moment. And imagine a seductive voice that breaks down the defenses and hostility built around them.
With a voice like his, I must say, Sex sells anywhere. Anyway, i guess sex sells with or without sound too...... But thats another thingy, of course.
Deciding to put thoughts into action for my presentation the very next day, I woke up sexy. I wore sexy and I even walk sexy all the way from east to west. And when it came to the crunch, low husky sexy voice was all i am.
From time to time, as I glanced across the boardroom for audience response, I was so darn proud of myself. The usual hostility was gone. I had actually managed to break down defenses and bring a light smile on most faces with just a clever switch of my tone. I never knew the power of voice manipulation until today. If only i knew it earlier, sex wouldnt just be a physical word for me.
Most gratefully, I found little resistance to my ideas of painting the office wall pink and placing daisy on every workspace to motivate staff. Just kidding........
I mean I expected lesser resistance to change suggestion but it was full hypnosis that I had performed here; corporate tigers turned cats.
Wow!!! If only i had brought along my lomo cam for this picture perfect moment.
Well, lesson of the day. I guess, like me, a true princess will never be afraid of sex and will always use it for a good cause ; )
Tuesday, March 07, 2006
A Celebration!!
To me, the Oscars is the ultimate fantasy. Never for one day did i stop dreaming of being one of those walking down the red carpet in free designer clothes and giving acceptance speeches beamed live across the world. It is like a moment in time where bread and butter doesnt matter, a day solely dedicated to looking good, sounding great and being acclaimed. The magic of movies and their stars.......
I cant help but wonder......
Would i have the same excitment that i've always imagined all these time if i lead every mundane moment of my life as if it is the Oscar trip down the carpet?
Or would i just be seen as a drama-mama drag queen?
Does fun and credibility go hand-in-hand in the real world?
I guess i am afraid to find out.
(P.S: I am glad Brokeback didnt win Best Picture.........)